
Is Your Man Emotionally Unavailable? Tips On How To Spot Sings.


Date: June 18, 2013

Categories: Adult Dating Dating Advice Dating Tips


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Is Your Man Emotionally Unavailable?  Read the Signs.


Is there concern that you don’t know how to pick the right guys?  Use these 4 tips and help yourself maneuver though which guys are emotional unavailable.  Start dating the guys who are going to give their all to fulfill you and leave the game players at the door.


There are several reasons why you could be choosing the wrong guys and the major one is that you’re just not listening to what he is telling you.  It’s common, that women experience selective hearing and interpret only the things they would like to hear.  When you don’t follow you instincts or finding you’re moving too quickly into a relationship it make it that much more difficult to end things with Mr. Wrong.


However, take a deep breath, I have the solution that will solve the problem of Mr. Hot and Cold, the disappearing act and flaking.  Read on to find out the 4 tips to spot the emotionally unavailable man.


Emotionally Unavailable Man Tip 1:


Listen up ladies!  You need to open those ears and start listening to what he is saying, enough with the selective hearing.  If he says, “You’re amazing”, that doesn’t mean he wants a relationship or even keep dating.  He might just mean you’re amazing, but he isn’t available right now.


Men in this situation are usually fearful.  They fear commitment and becoming lost inside a relationship.  He is thinking, he is going to lose his freedoms.  Often, these men want to start a relationship but they know they’re not ready.  There is no way, even if you’re amazing to make him change his mind.


Emotionally Unavailable Man Tip 2:


Keep your eyes peeled ladies!   He might be acting unavailable because he is already in a relationship, with another girl.  This happens far too often where a guy will date outside of his current relationship, he will get close to you but, not too close.  He will get you emotionally intimate by telling you things about this past relationships.  He is creating an impression that is he available and you will start to fall for him.  But, he careful someone who is already in a relationship are not as open as you think, he’s not what you deserve.   Women become victim to the excuse train.  He will have so many excuse for why his current relationship isn’t work, some are:


He will claim he and his current girlfriend haven’t had sex in years.  They’re moving in different directions and its just not working anymore.  She makes him miserable.  They have children so there is not right time to make the separation.  His girlfriend is emotionally unstable, he can’t leave right now and the most common excuse, and you make him feel so good, better than she ever did.  He will claim that he loves you and ask for you understanding while he tried to work everything out.


Watch out for these excuses and stay away from these men.




Emotionally Unavailable Man Tip 3:


The emotionally unavailable man will love the chase.  He will come after you until he gets you emotionally involved and then he will disappear.  These men have a long history of pulling you in and then pushing you away, it would be its own science experiment.  Ladies, don’t caught up in his poor dating games. 


The worst part about his dating game of pulling and pushing are his disappearance acts.  When he is away, you can’t contact him and if you happen to get in touch he will have excuses, he is busy with work, he has family visiting, it’s a boys night or he is too tired.  Those are warning sighs for you run away.  When he calls you back in a week, don’t give into his requests for a date; you’re better than him.

Emotionally Unavailable Man Tip 4:


You know how the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than words”.  Well ladies, now has never been a better time to implement those wise words of wisdom. 


When his words don’t match his actions is a very bad sign.  For insistence he will take you out for a romantic date, dinner, a walk to hold hands and lots of kisses, but then he will avoid seeing you for days and days.  He will come back with a bang, but then fade out for another extended period of time.  It will leave you wondering, he loves me, he loves me not, don’t let him get into your head.  He will never plan ahead because planning the future scares him. 


There is no possible reason for you to settle with an emotional unavailable man.  Furthermore, there is not reason for you to settle just to settle with any man.  Your relationship should be healthy and make you feel happy.  If you have low confidence and you’re thinking you don’t deserve the best man out there, that’s when you will become victim to the emotionally unavailable man. 


Watch out for these 4 signs of the emotionally unavailable man.  Dating isn’t easy; don’t make it harder on yourself by dating the wrong guy, repeatedly.

Is Your Man Emotionally Unavailable? Tips On How To Spot Sings., 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Author: Sandra Sloan

Sandra Sloan is a self-proclaimed dating expert. She's 25 years old and recently single. Sandra says: "I live in the San Fernando Valley, basically a suburb of Los Angeles, and I moved out here just over a year ago to be with my now ex-boyfriend. There’s a lot of dating sites out there that are legitimate, but sadly a lot that are a scam. I’m going to write reviews about my experiences and inform you of which dating sites are real and which sites you need to avoid! "